- What does this report contain?
This report offers you insight into your competence levels. You see a score per competence and possibly notes from your coach on your strong points and points for development. If a competence is tested multiple times e.g. via a baseline test and a final test, you will see both scores above each other so that you can compare them more easily. If you did a final assessment, you can also see your total score. This score is the mean of all your competence scores and reflects how well you performed in a certain program. If you did multiple assessments in one program, you will see multiple total scores, one for every assessment.
- How is my score calculated?
Your Role Plays are scored according to different criteria. Every criterion belongs to one of the competences. These criteria are used to calculate your score on that particular competence. If you want to see which criteria are part of your competences, please sign in to TrainTool and visit your assessment report page via the bell icon in the corresponding program.
- How accurate is the score and why?
The score is accurate because every criterion is measured multiple times in a test. These criteria are assessed on the basis of a pre-established appraisal framework.