Reporting groups

Filtering based on classes or group

A reporting group in TrainTool works like a filter that can be used to filter in progress-, peer feedback- and score reports.

Creating a reporting group and attaching it to a program is done as follows:

  1. Go to the tab 'reporting groups' (or rapportagegroepen) in your program dashboard.
  2. Here you will find a button '+ new group'. Create a new group and give it a recognizable name. Example: Class 2A, HRM-1, etc.
  3. After the reporting group is created, go to the settings of the program you want to add these reporting groups to. 
  4. Scroll down to the section 'Coaching' and enable the checkbox 'Select a reporting group'
  5. Choose 'Individual groups' and add the reporting groups that you want the trainees to choose from.
  6. When enrolling for this program, trainees will now be asked to choose their own reporting group. You can now use this as a filter.