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Score calculation

Score calculation

Normative appraisal questions are linked to every Role Play. These questions are in their turn linked to a competence. The final score of a baseline or final test is the average of the average scores per competence. This is calculated as follows:


Step 1: Score per competence
When all Role Plays in a test have been assessed, the score per competence is calculated. 

Two competences are scored: Summarizing and Asking follow-up questions.
The competence Summarizing was measured 10x, the competence Follow-up questions 6x.
Summarizing was done correctly 6x, and 4x incorrectly (Score Summarizing = 60%)
Asking follow-up questions was done correctly 4x and 2x incorrectly (Score Follow-up questions = 66%)

Step 2: Total score
Your total score is the average of the different competences. Every competence has the same weight.

The compentence Summarizing was scored 60%, the competence Follow-up questions was scored 66%. The average of these two is 63% and that is the total score.

The appraisal questions are binary, so a trainee will display the behaviour or will not display the behaviour. This binary scale has been set to make sure that scoring is done as objectively as possible. When an appraisal question consists of multiple elements, it is a good practice to split it up in multiple appraisal questions.

Whether a trainee has passed or not depends on the norm. This is a percentage that can be set beforehand. When no norm has been set, the trainee will only see his/her score without the implication if they have passed or not.

The trainee will only see the norm after completing the test. If self-assessment is turned on, the trainee will directly see the norm after grading the criteria and sending in his/her answers.