Your first Role Play

You can start your first Role Play once you have accepted the invitation for a program and have set your password. You can read about this in the article Getting Started.

The program with the corresponding Role Plays is linked to a timeline which is displayed in a clear and structured manner on the Overview screen. It will also show you which Role Plays you have completed and which you still need to complete. 

Step 1: You will find the introduction of your program at the top of the Overview. By pressing the View button, you will be informed about the content of the program. 



Step 2: To get back to the Overview screen, you need to click the Return to program-overview button. 

Step 3: The next part of your program is practicing with the Test Role Play. Here, you will be able to set up your microphone and camera and you can get used to this particular way of training.  


Step 4: The lay out of the Test Role Play is the same as the lay out of any of the other Role Plays that you will be completing. After reading about the situation and the assignment in the Exercise section, you can continue with the Role Play. The recording of your reaction will be shown in the Your answer section and the feedback from your coach and/or from others you have invited, you will be able to find under the Feedback section.

This specific Role Play is designed for you to test if watching and recording is working well for you. 


Step 5: When you have recorded your first Role Play, you can watch your video and check off all the answers that are applicable. You can make a new attempt if necessary. Be aware that in future Role Plays there might be a maximum on the amount of attempts.


Step 6: If you decide to continue, you will return to the Overview screen. The Test Role Play is now completed in the Timeline. You can now start the first Role Play of your program.